​The greatest expense in any firm is the high cost of sales. If sales people are resigning or you are releasing them due to non-performance this is eating your profits and loosing clients. The objective is to build the right job profile for your firm; one size does not fit all and then hire the right sales person. 

Compensation dictates behavior and it is not always money!

Human Resources:  You will develop the knowledge; skills and models to identify and build the perfect profile for your firm. Develop compensation plans that deliver results and keep productive sales people.

Learn and develop the skills to:

  • Build the profile
  • Attract the right person
  • Productive compensation plans
  • Balanced activity plans
  • Secure the right management or coach
  • Build a self-motivated team


​"Identify the skills and people that best match you value!​

​​Human Resources Workshop: (One Day)​

"Work Smarter not Harder, Grow Faster"